15 March 2011

Phototriennale Hamburg - exhibition at gallery Farbwerke

A wonderful wetplate exhibition took place at Phototriennale Hamburg in Galerie Farbwerke M6 from 1-13 April 2011. I am really proud that this exhibition is together with my former workshop participants Esther Haase, Oliver Rolf, J.Konrad Schmidt and Hendrik Faure. It is quite nice that my work attracts so much interest to people and my knowledge i teach in workshops develops in a really good way. Fantastic we could do this exhibition together.

Galerie Farbwerke M6
Marktstraße 5
20357 Hamburg
open from 1-13 april daily from 12-19
Phototriennale Hamburg

everybody interested in wetplate photography and visiting Hamburg for the Phototriennale: there are still places for my wetplate workshops available. please find all information and dates here.

Meta.Morph in Vogue Italia

the project for designer Una Burke is featured in the italian vogue, go have a look at the amazing video by andreas waldschütz http://www.vogue.it/talents/vogue-video-lab/2011/03/meta-morph

Interview about my work by Alexandra v. Quatt

when shooting for the Una Burke project in Vienna, Alexandra arrived at the set to see what's going on, and she immediately fell in love with my work. here's a little interview by her (in german): http://fb.me/KYgAh7jl

meta.morph / a collaborative project for london fashion week

this project was launched as part of london fashion week at úna burke’s vauxhall fashion scout presentation at the freemasons hall. it was a synthesized haunting experience, comprising of wet plate images by stefan sappert, installations from úna’s autumn-winter 2011 collection and experimental film by andreas waldschütz & adia trischler.